ESTEEM Curriculum Parent Info Meeting (Grades 5-12) You are invited to attend the health education parent informational meeting to view the curriculum that ASCISD approved to implement the Grades 5-12 Health TEKS. This will give parents/guardians the opportunity to ask questions of the author/developer of the curriculum. See the attached flyer for more details.
Notice regarding escaped inmate Good afternoon Owl Family,ASCISD was notified at approximately 405 that there was an escaped inmate from the county jail. All students and staff are inside and are being escorted out as needed to their vehicles. Everyone is safe and school events/practices will be canceled for the remainder of the day.
Texas Education Agency (TEA) - Delayed Release of A-F Accountability Ratings The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has delayed the release of A-F accountability ratings for the school districts across the state in order for the agency to review the data and the new expectations they have set to rate schools. Read more...
Retirement Reception honoring Superintendent Scott Beene Please join us to honor Superintendent Scott Beene at a retirement reception on September 14, 2023.
Superintendent Selection Survey Links Thank you for your support and interest in our schools. The Anderson-Shiro Consolidated Independent School District Trustees sincerely want your input in the selection of our next superintendent. Your confidential responses to the following questions will help form a profile and interview questions to be used in the hiring process. Your response is completely anonymous and goes directly to the consultant, who will share common themes with the board.
STAAR Results 2023 Beginning August 16, Texas families can Log In & Learn More about their child’s STAAR results. Read more...
Homecoming Week 2023 We are looking forward to a Homecoming Week full of fun activities and events! Check out the Homecoming Events Flyer and Dress Up Days Flyers for details! Go Owls!
Come Meet the Owls on Monday, August 14th! Monday, August 14th, a hot dog dinner sponsored by Brazos Land and C-Force Water will be served beginning at 6:00, with Meet the Owls following at 7:00.
23-24 School Supply List - Jr/Sr High School Please click here to view the school supply list for the 2023-2024 school year of Anderson-Shiro Jr/Sr High School.