Cullen Lyles » Grading Policy

Grading Policy

Grading Policy

Please see student handbook for updated grading policy and specific guidelines.   As stated in the ASCISD handbook, 9-week grades will be determined as follows:

  • 60% Major Grades (test, projects, labs, etc.)
  • 40% Minor Grades (homework, warm-ups, journals, etc.)

****  If your child fails to complete their homework, expect a phone call from your child during the class period, asking for permission to stay after school to complete the missing assignment.


Retest Policy

The district shall permit a student who meets the criteria detailed below a reasonable oppurtunity to redo an assignment or retake a test for which the student received a failing grad in all classes.


In order for a student to qualify for a reassessment, the following must occur:

  • Student must have made below a 70 on the original assessment. 
  • The student must request a reassess.
  • Student must attend tutoring at least one time
  • Reassessment must take place within 5 school days after the below 70 grade is received
  • Highest grade on an reassessment will be a 70
Make-up Policy
Students who miss school due to an unplanned absence are responsible for obtaining and completing the makeup work in a satisfactory and timely manner. For work that students can make-up, they have a maximum of one (1) class day plus the total number of days absent in which to complete the assignments. A student who does not make up assigned work within the allotted will recieve a grade of zero on the assignment. 
Students with prior knowledge of upcoming absences, including absences for extra-curricular activities, are encouraged to speak with his or her teacher before the absence occurs. Teachers and students should work together to formulate a plan and ensure work is completed before or shortly after the absence. Please see Student Handbook for more information, including make-up work policy for major project deadlines. Make up work for students who miss class for other reasons will be in accordance with campus late work guidelines.
Late Assignments/Late Work
Late work will not be accepted more than 3 days after the due date. 
1 day late= -10 points
2 days late= -20 points
3 days late= -30 points
4 days late= -Teacher discretion with a maximum grade of 70